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Corn & Grain Sorghum in Arkansas

About the Board

The Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board was established to provide Arkansas's growers with the tools and resources necessary to improve profitability and sustainability.

According to USDA data, the top ten grain sorghum-producing states account for 90 percent of total U.S. acres planted. Average Arkansas production of grain sorghum in 2022 was about 80 bushels an acre for 9,000 acres. The top sorghum producing states are Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico and Louisiana.

Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Facts & FAQs

  • Arkansas farmers planted 710,000 acres of corn in 2022.
  • The 2022 sorghum crop yielded an estimated $799,563,000.
  • About 70 percent of corn grown in Arkansas will be used to feed livestock and poultry across the state. The other 30% will be exported via the Mississippi River.
  • Arkansas farmers planted 9,000 acres of sorghum in 2022.
  • The vast majority of grain sorghum is grown in the Mississippi River Delta region of Eastern Arkansas.

Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board Members

The Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board consists of 7 corn and/or grain sorghum producers, nominated by industry organizations and appointed by the Governor.

Meet our current board officers below or click the button to view all board members.

Kenny Falwell, Chairman

Trent Dabbs, Vice Chairman

Matt Gammill, Secretary

Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board Checkoff Funds


The Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Checkoff Program was established following Act 271 of the 1997 Arkansas General Assembly. The checkoff was approved by a referendum of producers in February and March of 1998, and collections began July 1, 1998. The assessment is levied to promote the growth and development of the corn and grain sorghum industry in Arkansas by research, extension, promotion and market development. The assessment is reported and paid by the purchaser. Monthly reporting forms are mailed out by the Miscellaneous Tax Section and are required to be completed and filed by the 15th day of each month following the report month.

National Checkoff Funds

The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) began collecting the national sorghum checkoff on July 1, 2008, which is based on 0.6% of the value of the crop. The national checkoff is sent to the national board where between 15 and 25 percent is passed back to the state. The remainder is used to fund sorghum research and promotion at the national level. This checkoff does not preclude the collection of a state checkoff. Until state legislative action is taken, Arkansas will continue to collect its state checkoff.
Elevators looking for information about remitting the national checkoff please contact Craig Shackelford at 202-720-1123 or


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