Crop Budgeting Tools
Crop enterprise budgets in Excel are interactive versions of the printed budgets contained in the publication 2024 Crop Enterprise Budgets. Interactive budgets enable users to change data related to specific operations. Costs and returns are calculated based on changes within an Excel spreadsheet. Get access to the tools with the button or continue reading for more details and instructions.
Crop Enterprise Budgets
Files for specific crops are interactive budgets for each crop. Users should mainly change data values of white cells. All cells that contain formulas calculating costs and returns are locked. The “Budget” worksheet includes grower percentages in column B for revenue and costs items to represent share rent circumstances. Percentage values represent grower share received as revenue or paid for an input. Enter revised percentage values as whole numbers with no decimals and the program will interpret the entries as percentages. Cells, open for changing in column D, are for alternative input levels. Open cells in column E are for alternative input prices. Yield is entered in cell D3 and price in cell E3 of the “Budget” worksheet. Net returns are calculated in cell F52. Changing yield in cell D3 and price in cell E3 changes values in cells of columns F. The revised crop value is calculated in cell F3. The “Seed-Chemical” worksheet contains information for seeds planted and chemicals applied to crops. Changes in the seed price are entered in cell D3. Changes in the price of chemicals are entered in cells of column D. Net returns are revised in cell F52 of the “Budget” worksheet. The “Machine” worksheet allows users to make alternative equipment selections. Changes in cells of column B revise the number of field trips for an equipment unit. Alternatively, changes can be entered in cells for equipment prices, width, ground speed, and horse power. Entries in the “Machine” worksheet result in revisions to net returns in cell F52 of the “Budget” worksheet. All files for individual crop budgets have identical formats and can be similarly revised by users changing values of any of the white cells.
Budget Summaries
Budget summaries include costs and returns comparisons between crops which are grouped by irrigation type. There are a total of three summary tables for surface irrigation, center pivot irrigation, and non-irrigated crops. Data for summary budgets are entered by users in the white cells with block outlines. Data results in the colored cells are automatically calculated by formulas and are locked. Formats of all summary tables are identical. Example for Table S-1: Yields are entered in cells of row 3, and prices are entered in cells of row 4. Net returns to operating expenses are automatically calculated in cells of row 14. Changes in yields and prices result in changed values for cells in rows 14, 16, 18, and 19. All in Table S-1, as well as crops in Table S-2 and Table S-3, are similarly revised by users changing values of any of the appropriate cells.