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Trent Dabbs

Name: Trent Dabbs

Position: Vice Chairman

Appointed to the Board: 2011

What is your background in agriculture? 
I am a 4th generation farmer. I grew up on the family farm. After college, I came back and formed a partnership with my dad and still farm land that has been in our family for over 100 years.

Did you always want to grow corn and/or grain sorghum?
No. When I went to college, I wasn’t planning on coming back to farm. I wanted to be a mechanical engineer and design cars.

So, how did you become a farmer?
Having a family that farmed allowed me the opportunity to come back home and join the operation.

Who inspired your work ethic and approach to farming corn and/or grain sorghum?
My grandpa and my dad. I watched them my whole life while working on the farm.

How many crops do you grow beside corn and/or grain sorghum?
I also grow rice, soybeans, wheat and oats.

What is your favorite aspect of growing corn and/or grain sorghum?
All the new technology. I like trying to implement new things and ideas that will help us make better decisions in the future.

What is a challenge you overcame this past season?
Last year we had some flooding issues at planting time that put us behind. We had to play catch-up but ended up with a good crop.

What is your personal motto when it comes to success in agriculture?
Adapt and overcome.

Outside of the ACGSB, are you involved in any other professional organizations?
I am the Arkansas County Farm Bureau President, Ag Council of Arkansas board member and Arkansas Rice Farmers board member.

How would you describe the work of the ACGSB to someone, regardless of their ag background? 
We try to help find solutions to the issues facing corn producers in Arkansas through research and promotion activities. We strive to do this in a financially responsible manner through the checkoff dollars collected from the corn and grain sorghum farmers of Arkansas.